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Family Photos 2008

Well, it's been a long time but here's a start on some recent photos.

Newest additions at the bottom.

Hi-res copies of some of these images can be found here for printing:

Please leave comments, we (and especially the boys) love reading little notes from people.
Luis and S2 - Friends, Grazalema, Spain
Luis and S2 - Friends, Grazalema, Spain
Luis and S2 Grazalema bushwalkers
Luis and S2 Grazalema bushwalkers
Luis and S2
Luis and S2
Ingham and Whitten Kids - Granada Album Cover
Ingham and Whitten Kids - Granada Album Cover
Whitten and Ingham Kids On Top of the Castle - Alhambra, Granada
Whitten and Ingham Kids On Top of the Castle - Alhambra, Granada
Ralph and John in Palomares Flowers
Ralph and John in Palomares Flowers
Palomares Poppy
Palomares Poppy
Luis The Naturalist - Into The Backyard
Luis The Naturalist - Into The Backyard
Luis Drinking Milk Through His New Gap
Luis Drinking Milk Through His New Gap
Kylie and S2 After-Lunch Snooze
Kylie and S2 After-Lunch Snooze
Ralph Above Grazalema
Ralph Above Grazalema
Kylie, S2 , Ralph and Luis in Plaza de España, Seville
Kylie, S2 , Ralph and Luis in Plaza de España, Seville
Kylie S2 and Luis with Plaza de España Rainbow
Kylie S2 and Luis with Plaza de España Rainbow
Ralph, S2 and Luis with Plaza de España Rainbow
Ralph, S2 and Luis with Plaza de España Rainbow
Luis and S2 ´s 'house' in Garden
Luis and S2 ´s 'house' in Garden
S2 pondering a candle
S2 pondering a candle
Cheeky S2
Cheeky S2
S2 bored with candles
S2 bored with candles
Luis Checking Out His First Lost Tooth For The First Time
Luis Checking Out His First Lost Tooth For The First Time
S2 Preaching His First Sermon!
S2 Preaching His First Sermon!
Luis on Alamillo Bridge with S2 and the Giffords - The Worlds Biggest Slide?
Luis on Alamillo Bridge with S2 and the Giffords - The Worlds Biggest Slide?
Ralph Hosing Whitten and Giffford Kids
Ralph Hosing Whitten and Giffford Kids
Camping Conil - S2 and Luis Playing Connect Four
Camping Conil - S2 and Luis Playing Connect Four
Ralph, Luis and S2 Digging at Conil Beach
Ralph, Luis and S2 Digging at Conil Beach
Ralph, Luis and S2 Digging at Conil Beach
Ralph, Luis and S2 Digging at Conil Beach
Kylie and the Boys One Chilly Morning
Kylie and the Boys One Chilly Morning
S2 looking at castanets for sale in Plaza de España
S2 looking at castanets for sale in Plaza de España
S2 climbing.
S2 climbing.
Luis and S2 Under Old Digger - Minas de Rio Tinto
Luis and S2 Under Old Digger - Minas de Rio Tinto
Luis and S2 off to School - Oscar's Third Day
Luis and S2 off to School - Oscar's Third Day
Andy and Nadia making pizza and Kylie
Andy and Nadia making pizza and Kylie
S2 and Luis - So this is art?
S2 and Luis - So this is art?
Luis Kylie and S2 playing with modern art
Luis Kylie and S2 playing with modern art
Family portrait silhouette
Family portrait silhouette
Luis and S2 catching bubbles
Luis and S2 catching bubbles
S2 and Luis catching bubbles
S2 and Luis catching bubbles
Kylie, Luis and S2 interacting with art
Kylie, Luis and S2 interacting with art
S2 , Luis and Kylie in the arches
S2 , Luis and Kylie in the arches
S2 and Luis down into the dungeon
S2 and Luis down into the dungeon
Ema and S2 Playing Uno.
Ema and S2 Playing Uno.
Kylie and the boys with the youth group playing Uno.
Kylie and the boys with the youth group playing Uno.
Luis and S2 opening package from Joey
Luis and S2 opening package from Joey
S2 and Luis pumping up the footy from Joey
S2 and Luis pumping up the footy from Joey
Luis kicks to S2
Luis kicks to S2
¡¡¡Luis kicks a goal!!!
¡¡¡Luis kicks a goal!!!
S2 With Old Plane
S2 With Old Plane
Kylie and S2
Kylie and S2
Kylie with Youthgroup and Icecreams
Kylie with Youthgroup and Icecreams
S2 and Ralph Just Before School
S2 and Ralph Just Before School
S2 The Acrobat Goes To School
S2 The Acrobat Goes To School
Luis and S2 in the Patio
Luis and S2 in the Patio
S2 and Luis in Sunday School
S2 and Luis in Sunday School
Luis and S2 Waiting For Daddy To Stop Playing With The Camera
Luis and S2 Waiting For Daddy To Stop Playing With The Camera
S2 - Car Driver
S2 - Car Driver
Luis and S2 Shopping in Carrefour With Dad
Luis and S2 Shopping in Carrefour With Dad
There's A Car In S2 Eye
There's A Car In S2 Eye
Sad S2
Sad S2
S2 Tear
S2 Tear
Luis, Show Me Your Eye?
Luis, Show Me Your Eye?
Boys, Sit Still So I Can Take A Photo Of You
Boys, Sit Still So I Can Take A Photo Of You
Luis and S2 in their PJs
Luis and S2 in their PJs
S2 and Friend Playing on the Stairs
S2 and Friend Playing on the Stairs
Smiling S2
Smiling S2
Gorgeous S2
Gorgeous S2
Pensive S2
Pensive S2
Luis Soccer Training
Luis Soccer Training
Luis Goalie
Luis Goalie
Luis Goalie 2
Luis Goalie 2
Kylie and Luis Walking
Kylie and Luis Walking
S2 and Shadow - Jumping
S2 and Shadow - Jumping
Ralph Opening his 40th Birthday Present
Ralph Opening his 40th Birthday Present
S2 the Indian - How!
S2 the Indian - How!
S2 Decorating the Christmas Tree
S2 Decorating the Christmas Tree
Kylie and S2 Decorating the Christmas tree 2008
Kylie and S2 Decorating the Christmas tree 2008
Luis Decorating the Christmas Tree
Luis Decorating the Christmas Tree
S2 Peeking
S2 Peeking
Luis and S2 , Head to Head
Luis and S2 , Head to Head
Luis and S2 - Brothers
Luis and S2 - Brothers