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Pittsburgh Albums

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Pittsburgh - New Year's Day 2000
Pittsburgh - New Year's Day 2000
2006-05-10 Pittsburgh
2006-05-10 Pittsburgh
Carnegie Mellon University
:: Carnegie Mellon University ::
Events at Carnegie Mellon University
:: Events at Carnegie Mellon University ::
University of Pittsburgh Nationality Rooms
:: University of Pittsburgh Nationality Rooms ::
Christmas Trees Around the World
:: Christmas Trees Around the World ::
National Aviary 1999
:: National Aviary 1999 ::
National Aviary 2003
:: National Aviary 2003 ::
Phipps Conservatory
:: Phipps Conservatory ::
Pittsburgh Wildlife
:: Pittsburgh Wildlife ::
Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium
:: Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium ::
Y2K Fireworks
:: Y2K Fireworks ::
:: Oakland ::
:: Shadyside ::
Pittsburgh's South Side and Station Square
:: Pittsburgh's South Side and Station Square ::
Downtown Pittsburgh 1999
:: Downtown Pittsburgh 1999 ::
Downtown Pittsburgh 2003
:: Downtown Pittsburgh 2003 ::
View from Mount Washington
:: View from Mount Washington ::
Pittsburgh's Dinomite Days (Dinosaurs on Parade)
:: Pittsburgh's Dinomite Days ("Dinosaurs on Parade") ::
Pittsburgh Marathon 1999
:: Pittsburgh Marathon 1999 ::
Art Opening / Flamenco (2002)
:: Art Opening / Flamenco (2002) ::
A Walk in the Neighborhood (2003)
:: A Walk in the Neighborhood (2003) ::
Walking in the Neighborhood (2006)
:: Walking in the Neighborhood (2006) ::
Christmas in da 'Burgh
:: Christmas in da 'Burgh ::
Digicam Astronomy
:: Digicam Astronomy ::
Light Up Night 2003
:: Light Up Night 2003 ::
Light Up Night 2003 Fireworks
:: Light Up Night 2003 Fireworks ::
Firefighters' Funeral
:: Firefighters' Funeral ::
Wings Over Pittsburgh Air Show 2004
:: Wings Over Pittsburgh Air Show 2004 ::
Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix 2004
:: Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix 2004 ::
Dinner Cruise on the Gateway Clipper ''Majestic''
:: Dinner Cruise on the Gateway Clipper ''Majestic'' ::
Wings Over Pittsburgh Air Show 2005
:: Wings Over Pittsburgh Air Show 2005 ::
Kennywood Park
:: Kennywood Park ::
SouthSide Works Shopping Area
:: SouthSide Works Shopping Area ::
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall
:: Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall ::
Boilermakers at the South Side Works, 21 July 2006
:: Boilermakers at the South Side Works, 21 July 2006 ::
Ice Storm, February 2007
:: Ice Storm, February 2007 ::
Wings Over Pittsburgh Air Show 2008
:: Wings Over Pittsburgh Air Show 2008 ::