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Trinidad van x2 trip April '08

Camping Saturday night near Winton, WA
Camping Saturday night near Winton, WA
Tom and the vans at the Trinidad horseshoe in Lynch Coulee.
Tom and the vans at the Trinidad horseshoe in Lynch Coulee.
Eastbound train on Trinidad curve.
Eastbound train on Trinidad curve.
Tom's van descends a hill.
Tom's van descends a hill.
Both vans near the railroad tunnel.
Both vans near the railroad tunnel.
Tom climbs the ridge above the tunnel.
Tom climbs the ridge above the tunnel.
My van climbing the ridge.
My van climbing the ridge.
Lower Douglas Creek near Palisades, WA
Lower Douglas Creek near Palisades, WA
Tom testing the clearance under his van.
Tom testing the clearance under his van.
The Astro in descent.
The Astro in descent.
Climbing Rock Island Grade road.
Climbing Rock Island Grade road.
Heading for the upper area of Douglas Creek took us along County Rd 4 SW...
Heading for the upper area of Douglas Creek took us along County Rd 4 SW...
Yep, this is the road.
Yep, this is the road.
It even has street signs.
It even has street signs.
Dropping down into Douglas Creek the scenery changes.
Dropping down into Douglas Creek the scenery changes.
The longest water crossing of Douglas Creek was this one.
The longest water crossing of Douglas Creek was this one.
Tom heads across the creek.
Tom heads across the creek.
The approach to the last water crossing was rocky and loose.
The approach to the last water crossing was rocky and loose.
The Sportsmobile heading down the slope.
The Sportsmobile heading down the slope.
Tom heads back across the creek.
Tom heads back across the creek.
Me heading back across.
Me heading back across.
Monday morning I was back at Trinidad.
Monday morning I was back at Trinidad.
A westbound train below the loop.
A westbound train below the loop.
Another westbound.
Another westbound.
After a meet at Trinidad siding, this eastbound headed out.
After a meet at Trinidad siding, this eastbound headed out.
The eastbound about to enter the tunnel above the horseshoe curve.
The eastbound about to enter the tunnel above the horseshoe curve.