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Scratchpad (Misc photos)

Rail car chain, Bellingham, WA
Rail car chain, Bellingham, WA
Chain 2
Chain 2
Rail car wheel 1, Bellingham WA
Rail car wheel 1, Bellingham WA
Wheel 2
Wheel 2
Rail car wheel 2, Bellingham, WA
Rail car wheel 2, Bellingham, WA
Mount Baker behind downtown Bellingham.
Mount Baker behind downtown Bellingham.
Georgia Pacific facilty, Bellingham WA. All gone now.
Georgia Pacific facilty, Bellingham WA. All gone now.
Georgia Pacific facilty, Bellingham WA. All gone now.
Georgia Pacific facilty, Bellingham WA. All gone now.
Ship Bellingham Bay, WA
Ship Bellingham Bay, WA
GP 3
GP 3
van and river HDR
van and river HDR
Locomotive fuel filler, Bellingham WA, HDR image.
Locomotive fuel filler, Bellingham WA, HDR image.
Leaf along Nooksack River, HDR image
Leaf along Nooksack River, HDR image
Leaves and van, Nooksack River, near Glacier, WA
Leaves and van, Nooksack River, near Glacier, WA
River HDR
River HDR
Mount Baker two track, HDR image
Mount Baker two track, HDR image
Trinidad dusk HDR
Trinidad dusk HDR
Waterfall near Glacier, WA, HDR image.
Waterfall near Glacier, WA, HDR image.
BNSF GPs and caboose HDR
BNSF GPs and caboose HDR
GP and Depot HDR
GP and Depot HDR