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San Francisco Birding

Napa, Oakland, Muir Woods, Muir Beach and Berkeley Marina
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acorn woodpecker-1785.jpg
acorn woodpecker-1785.jpg
nuttall woodpecker-1865.jpg
nuttall woodpecker-1865.jpg
nuttall woodpecker-1867.jpg
nuttall woodpecker-1867.jpg
annas hummingbird-1691.jpg
annas hummingbird-1691.jpg
annas hummingbird-1848.jpg
annas hummingbird-1848.jpg
hummingbird feeder-1727.jpg
hummingbird feeder-1727.jpg
audobons yellow rumped-1798.jpg
audobons yellow rumped-1798.jpg
black phoebe-2159.jpg
black phoebe-2159.jpg
california towhee-1680.jpg
california towhee-1680.jpg
spotted owl-2020.jpg
spotted owl-2020.jpg
spotted owl-2021.jpg
spotted owl-2021.jpg
spotted owl-2026.jpg
spotted owl-2026.jpg
owl with mouse-2004.jpg
owl with mouse-2004.jpg
pipevine swallowtail-1707.jpg
pipevine swallowtail-1707.jpg
pipevine swallowtail-1711.jpg
pipevine swallowtail-1711.jpg
pipevine swallowtail-1721.jpg
pipevine swallowtail-1721.jpg
western grebe-2103.jpg
western grebe-2103.jpg
black turnstone-2137.jpg
black turnstone-2137.jpg
muir beach-2076.jpg
muir beach-2076.jpg
at pool-1759.jpg
at pool-1759.jpg
golden eage-1753.jpg
golden eage-1753.jpg
skeleton shrimp-2168.jpg
skeleton shrimp-2168.jpg
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