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Joe Thornton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> ObamaNation tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


All Things Obama
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Captain America
Captain America
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama Supporters
Obama Supporters
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
Obama at the Baltimore War Memorial Plaza January 17, 2009
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