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Sandy27-Jul-2013 00:29
Hlo r u there?
Guest 09-Sep-2008 11:41
Very nice
Guest 31-May-2007 09:23
Dear Rajesh,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
madhura 03-Aug-2006 15:36
Hey! I didnt know you were such an expert at this! Loved the blue cups pic and the glass on the beach
Moon(Singapore) 21-Jan-2006 09:57
HI Rajesh!!
Your photos are very good especially for the Pattern.
thnx for showing the world!!
Excellent werk!!
Keep it up!
Guest 17-Jan-2006 11:19
Great gallery you have here!
My favourite is the Faces gallery!!