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rajesh | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> a_piercing_tale tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


The Phuket Vegetarian festival is an annual event held during the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar. During this festival, entranced devotees known as Ma Song, perform self-tortures in order to shift evil from individuals to themselves and therby bring good luck to the community. This gallery show-cases the "Piercings", a means of self-torture which involves the devotees going into a trance and getting piercings done with various implements...
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the shrine.jpg
the shrine.jpg
making noise to induce trance.jpg
making noise to induce trance.jpg
in a trance.jpg
in a trance.jpg
praying in the trance.jpg
praying in the trance.jpg
checking the tools.jpg
checking the tools.jpg
the first insertion.jpg
the first insertion.jpg
putting the first one in.jpg
putting the first one in.jpg
getting all of them in.jpg
getting all of them in.jpg
the final look.jpg
the final look.jpg
the lineup.jpg
the lineup.jpg
quite a mouthful.jpg
quite a mouthful.jpg
removing the piercings.jpg
removing the piercings.jpg
the aftermath.jpg
the aftermath.jpg
done for the day.jpg
done for the day.jpg
the remnants.jpg
the remnants.jpg
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