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Shoshone Geyser Basin North Trail Entrance.jpg
Shoshone Geyser Basin North Trail Entrance.jpg
Shoshone Lake.jpg
Shoshone Lake.jpg
Fumarols SGB.jpg
Fumarols SGB.jpg
Minuteman and Taurus Geyser SGB.jpg
Minuteman and Taurus Geyser SGB.jpg
Mossy Stump SGB.jpg
Mossy Stump SGB.jpg
Hot Spring Runoff SGB.jpg
Hot Spring Runoff SGB.jpg
Boiling Cauldron A .jpg
Boiling Cauldron A .jpg
Great Crater SGB.jpg
Great Crater SGB.jpg
Unnamed Hotspring 3 SGB.jpg
Unnamed Hotspring 3 SGB.jpg
Unidentified Flowers SGB.jpg
Unidentified Flowers SGB.jpg
Lone Star Geyser.jpg
Lone Star Geyser.jpg
Lone Star Geyser with Flowers.jpg
Lone Star Geyser with Flowers.jpg
Sinter Field Around Grand Prismatic Spring.jpg
Sinter Field Around Grand Prismatic Spring.jpg
Microbial Mats and Twin Buttes.jpg
Microbial Mats and Twin Buttes.jpg
Snags in Marsh Around Grand Prismatic Spring.jpg
Snags in Marsh Around Grand Prismatic Spring.jpg
Bike Path to Fairy Falls Trail Head.jpg
Bike Path to Fairy Falls Trail Head.jpg
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