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Paul Verizzo | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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ken Holmes 07-Jun-2012 12:44
Have lived full time in San Blas for nearly 8 years. Camped in Batopillas canon several years back. Want info on the Hotel Canyon Unique if possible. Love your galleries. Thanks for all. Ken
Guest 24-Jan-2010 03:45
Paul: Scott Guthrie here. I would love if you would contact me at gsguthrie2003(at)yahoo(dot)com. Ever hear from Mike Chauncey ? Ellen sends her best. Thanks for responding to my mother's obit. Scott
Guest 31-Dec-2004 20:49
this is willy amigo i think your page its greate
Rinaldo 24-Dec-2002 17:08
very impressive gallery of pics!

go on!


john j dorfner 14-Dec-2002 18:11
great site. thank you for putting his together.

john j dorfner