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6-21-06 C. Evans

Airborne Fury

Pointe Dume Beach, CA

These waves were so incredibly "angry"... I couldn't think
of a more fitting title for this than "Airborne Fury"...

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Guest 02-Jan-2008 03:30
I can hear it and feel it. Nice!
marwil ter Horst22-Feb-2007 20:21
perfect timing nice shot v
Dan Ng17-Jan-2007 02:01
Impeccable timing and capture. V.
Guest 01-Jan-2007 19:54
Wow, breathtaking image!
Guest 17-Dec-2006 19:36
This is a powerful image. voted
Guest 17-Dec-2006 19:17
Excellent timing and exposure.
Christine P. Newman15-Dec-2006 04:00
There is something overpowering in it and fascinating at the same time.
Katie Chew29-Nov-2006 15:49
Wow! This is really an awesome capture! V
snootydog14-Aug-2006 02:45
great catch!
Gary Winters23-Jun-2006 16:04
Way to go, perfect timing, excellent image!
Guest 23-Jun-2006 15:21
Wow.. quiet a force, wonder if that's it's normal force for the area? Nice shot!
J. Scott Coile23-Jun-2006 15:19
The power!!! Well captured Colleen!
Sheila23-Jun-2006 13:27
Spectacular shot!
Herb 23-Jun-2006 13:10
Nice shot
Bob White23-Jun-2006 08:07
A Vote
Bob White23-Jun-2006 08:07
Wow the power of the sea excellent shot
Karen Moen23-Jun-2006 08:03
Wow, perfect timing. Well done. I can almost hear the surf sound. Voted.