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Giggle Girls

I didn't get a chance to capture any good shots from the first meeting of
these two during this past summer, but when Sarra & Lauren got together again
for a Christmas Cocoa, boy, did they have a BLAST! It was hysterical just to
watch them & I knew that a new gallery was in the process of being created ~
Giggle Girls
Giggle Girls
Easy Peasy
Easy Peasy
Future Corp America
Future Corp America
No Crashing Allowed!!
No Crashing Allowed!!
Oh Lord, Not that error message!
Oh Lord, Not that error message!
The Chair Jig
The Chair Jig
Working Hard & Hardly Working
Working Hard & Hardly Working
Too Cute
Too Cute
Too Much Fun
Too Much Fun
Oh Yeah, That's the Key!
Oh Yeah, That's the Key!
Two for the price of One
Two for the price of One