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Critters, Crawlers & Other Creatures

God creates many different creatures, and in His wisdom, He creates them
with such splendor in wonderful details that I am just fascinated by all
of them... Here's my attempt at showing some of His incredible artistry ~
Shy Guy
Shy Guy
Introducing Annanee
Introducing Annanee
Big Bee
Big Bee
Painted Reflections
Painted Reflections
Water Ballet or Bottoms Up?
Water Ballet or Bottoms Up?
Making Adjustments
Making Adjustments
Sarra's Bugly Friend
Sarra's Bugly Friend
The Crow a.k.a. Don Matus
The Crow a.k.a. Don Matus
Windblown Flutterby
Windblown Flutterby
Busy Bee
Busy Bee
Knat so big
Knat so big
Anza & The Z6
Anza & The Z6
Baby Cricket Condo
Baby Cricket Condo
B for Bug
B for Bug
Old White
Old White
Baby Wasp ?
Baby Wasp ?
House Guest
House Guest
Pull up a seat
Pull up a seat
Lady & Bud
Lady & Bud
Marbled Duckie
Marbled Duckie
Where's Waldo, errr, Peacock?
Where's Waldo, errr, Peacock?
Big Black B
Big Black B
Lady Undercarriage
Lady Undercarriage
Peacock Pleasantries
Peacock Pleasantries
Tub Kickin It
Tub Kickin It
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse
Bogart & Razzberry
Bogart & Razzberry
Look Ma!
Look Ma!
Weee ~
Weee ~
Sssssssssssssay Cheese
Sssssssssssssay Cheese
White Faced Lady
White Faced Lady
The Incredible Brumby of Woodland Hills
The Incredible Brumby of Woodland Hills
Pelican Patrol
Pelican Patrol
Stumpy the Spider
Stumpy the Spider
Wanted: Knowledgeable Reptile Fancier
Wanted: Knowledgeable Reptile Fancier
Ladybird Cousin ?
Ladybird Cousin ?
Breakfast Guests
Breakfast Guests
Taking a Break
Taking a Break
Red Jumper
Red Jumper
Busy Bee
Busy Bee
Kickin' It
Kickin' It
Sweet Hummer
Sweet Hummer
... Killin' the Mood
... Killin' the Mood
Igworth & Pal
Igworth & Pal
Lawn Ornaments or Dinner?
Lawn Ornaments or Dinner?