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Pieter Van Damme | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> South America quick overview tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

South America quick overview

A six month 'trip' to South America and Mexico has produced about 5000 pictures that will have to be sorted out during the following months. My girlfriend and I visited Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Mexico... For now I will post only a few random pictures, but in time this will hopefully evolve into a well organised gallery...
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Slow shutter mexican Agua Azul waterfalls
Slow shutter mexican Agua Azul waterfalls
Sunset at Niebla
Sunset at Niebla
Sunset at Niebla
Sunset at Niebla
Sunset at Chiloé
Sunset at Chiloé
Sunset from bus towards Bariloche
Sunset from bus towards Bariloche
Sunset Puerto Natales
Sunset Puerto Natales
Sunset Puerto Natales
Sunset Puerto Natales
Sunset Puerto Natales
Sunset Puerto Natales
The group walking between tall trees
The group walking between tall trees
Tour Peru-Bolivia stitch
Tour Peru-Bolivia stitch
Treefrog in Manu jungle, Peru
Treefrog in Manu jungle, Peru
Umbrella trees, Pucón
Umbrella trees, Pucón
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