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Pieter Van Damme | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> South America quick overview tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

South America quick overview

A six month 'trip' to South America and Mexico has produced about 5000 pictures that will have to be sorted out during the following months. My girlfriend and I visited Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Mexico... For now I will post only a few random pictures, but in time this will hopefully evolve into a well organised gallery...
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Flying Pelican  on Isla Mujeres
Flying Pelican on Isla Mujeres
Free bird
Free bird
Group jump at salar de uyuni Bolivia
Group jump at salar de uyuni Bolivia
Group photo
Group photo
Inca trail square stitch
Inca trail square stitch
Iris and Pieter by Alejandro
Iris and Pieter by Alejandro
Isla Contoy
Isla Contoy
Large geyser
Large geyser
Beach of Niebla in Chile
Beach of Niebla in Chile
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