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Peter Stubley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and white > January 13
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January 13

Cherry tomatoes, Munich.

Nikon D70
1/500s f/16.0 at 60.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 04-Aug-2011 06:00
Never seen tomatoes captured in this way. Beautiful. v
Denise J. Johnson14-Feb-2008 19:33
Did I happen to mention that I liked this shot a lot?
Thomas14-Feb-2008 17:02
very beautiful image! V
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte12-Feb-2008 20:28
This is a great shot in almost every way,

Robert Charity01-Feb-2008 01:48
great shot, v
Guest 30-Jan-2008 13:50
Super shot - works well in black and white V
Dennis Camp30-Jan-2008 03:35
This one really is exquisite ...
Cliff Smith17-Jan-2008 23:24
Beautiful image. Great lighting effect.
Guest 15-Jan-2008 21:45
Very nice work, V
Guest 15-Jan-2008 21:32
Very nice capture! V
Guest 13-Jan-2008 19:05
this is great shot. V
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