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Cats !

Preston Smith Photography ( specializes in feline photography. Our studio is located in Overland Park, KS (the greater Kansas City area), and we travel to cat shows throughout the Midwest, South, and Southcentral US. We provide cat owners and breeders with professional feline portraiture and a variety of image products (portraits, business cards, post cards, etc). Copyright 2004-2010 Preston Smith Photography, All rights reserved.

Publishers and other parties interested in my stock images, please contact me through
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Zumacats Phoenix Rising
Zumacats Phoenix Rising
Memphis Belle of Prism Ridge
Memphis Belle of Prism Ridge
The Abyssinian at Rest
The Abyssinian at Rest
The Sphynx - A Head Study
The Sphynx - A Head Study
Birman Kittens
Birman Kittens
GC Coupari Paula Cream'ear
GC Coupari Paula Cream'ear
Tufts N Ruff Felicity of Mainevalley
Tufts N Ruff Felicity of Mainevalley
Coonopry Aspen of Bonfirecats
Coonopry Aspen of Bonfirecats
QGC HojPoj Marina
QGC HojPoj Marina
Vanir Portia DeRossi
Vanir Portia DeRossi
CH Mayonaka's Lollypop
CH Mayonaka's Lollypop
Theatricats Ellie Maine of Buctales
Theatricats Ellie Maine of Buctales
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