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Linda and Peter Payzant | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Porch-Light Moths tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Porch-Light Moths

These are photos of moths which were attracted to the lights outside our home. Some are easily identified; those I've done. Thanks to Bob Patterson of the Moth Photographers' Group for helping us with the more difficult ones.

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Tetracis crocallata
Tetracis crocallata
Pale Beauty Moth Campaea perlata
Pale Beauty Moth Campaea perlata
Heterocampa biundata
Heterocampa biundata
Nadata gibbosa
Nadata gibbosa
Nadata gibbosa
Nadata gibbosa
Dotted Graylet MothHyperstrotia pervertens
Dotted Graylet Moth
Hyperstrotia pervertens
Eupithecia sp.
Eupithecia sp.
Splendid Palpita MothPalpita magniferalis
Splendid Palpita Moth
Palpita magniferalis
Antheraea polyphemus
Antheraea polyphemus
Antheraea polyphemus
Antheraea polyphemus
Melanolophia sp.
Melanolophia sp.
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