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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yellowstone National Park June 2006 " 5 photo's " tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yellowstone National Park June 2006 " 5 photo's "

Left the Alberta Border at Carway on June 19th. and were going to do the Logan Pass in Waterton Glacier Park. Got there and was still close so we continue to Great Falls. We arrived at arrived at West Yellowstone on the 11th. We pre-booked The Brandin' Iron Inn which we found was good with access to everywhere downtown. They had a self serve breakfast in the morning. The place had a two hot tubs which were very nice. The night we arrive we went to the Imax and saw Yellowstone on the large screen which was well worth it. Everyone was friendly and helpfull. One restaurant which well enjoyed was the Timberline...fresh food and great service. The first day we decided to take the south loop to Old Faithful. It takes all day to do, well over 100 miles with lots of stops along the fishing along the Madison and Firehole River was well worth watching, such a pleasing sport. Old Faithfull goes off every 92 minutes. 1000's line the walk to see it. On the South Loop we saw all kinds of wild life..bald eagles, buffalo, elk. **{buy the Yellowstone..The Official Guide. to Touring America's First National Park} and a Topigraphic Travel Map of Yellowstone and Grand Teton 1 inch = 4 miles..Well worth it. I could almost write a book on the Place as there is so much to see..That's why you have to see it for yourself...We found the Grand Canon of Yellowstone breath taking...We relaxed the second day, make a nice lunch and stopped by the rivers to watch the fly fishing and a second viewing of Old Faithfull {we needed the break}. The next day we did the north loop...our favorite...Saw Grizzly Bears {Lamar Valley}, Black Bears, Muled deer and again scenery second to non...If you want your hair on the back of your neck to stand up see the Virginia Cascades just east of Norris Junction. After another long day we got back to Brandin" Iron Inn and went hot tubbing then supper.We left the next day on our way home. We stopped at Bozman then stayed at Helena. The Next day we crossed the border at Coutts and staye at my daughters before returning Home...What we saw on our trip cannot be described in words. You have to see it for yourself. It was an amazing trip. beautiful scenery. and friendly people..What more could a person ask for...
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