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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Alberta Bird's and Wildlife " 117 Photo's" not to be missed tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Alberta Bird's and Wildlife " 117 Photo's" not to be missed

A lot of time spent on this gallery and some excellent shots. {the way I see it|
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Geese and Gulls
Geese and Gulls
Red Poles
Red Poles
In Flight
In Flight
Young Canada Goose
Young Canada Goose
Canadian Goose
Canadian Goose
Were Comming
Were Comming
Young Ones
Young Ones
Living the Life
Living the Life
Who Cares
Who Cares
Comming For Dinner
Comming For Dinner
Strong Canadian
Strong Canadian
There Just Playing
There Just Playing
Three of Us
Three of Us
At Rest
At Rest
Keeping Warm
Keeping Warm
Goose Eye
Goose Eye
At Rest
At Rest
So Young
So Young
Geese Silouette
Geese Silouette
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