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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Wetaskiwin Airshow August 4 & 5 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Wetaskiwin Airshow August 4 & 5 2012

Media at the Airshow in Wetaskiwin
Media at the Airshow in Wetaskiwin
Crowd on the Hill at the Wetaskiwin Air Show
Crowd on the Hill at the Wetaskiwin Air Show
Flying Formation
Flying Formation
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Bud Granley in Flight
Bud Granley in Flight
Big Trust
Big Trust
Kent Pietsch Crashes
Kent Pietsch Crashes
Pilot Kent Pietsch is flying a 1942 Interstate Scout
Pilot Kent Pietsch is flying a 1942 Interstate Scout
The Glider
The Glider
Fly By
Fly By
Cutting the Ribbon on the First Day
Cutting the Ribbon on the First Day
Cutting the Ribbon  Day Two
Cutting the Ribbon Day Two