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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Travel Within Alberta 2011 "Where we Welcome the World" tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Travel Within Alberta 2011 "Where we Welcome the World"

This year I hope to go to places that are new and back to the ones I really liked. Alberta has so much to offer and yet it seems that most see locals see very little of it... Grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Not really....
Young Calfs in the Foothills
"Young Calfs in the Foothills"
Spring Time in the Rockies
"Spring Time in the Rockies"
Meadows in the Mountains
"Meadows in the Mountains"
Ghosts of the David Thompson
"Ghosts of the David Thompson"
Lake Abraham
"Lake Abraham"
Mountains along the David Thompson Highway
Mountains along the David Thompson Highway
Glynis Walking the Dog Nola
"Glynis Walking the Dog Nola"
Peaks Along Lake Abraham
"Peaks Along Lake Abraham"
Ranching in the Foothills of Alberta
Ranching in the Foothills of Alberta
Foothills of the Eastern Slope of the Rocky Mountains
Foothills of the Eastern Slope of the Rocky Mountains
Big Hill Spring Provincial Park Calgary
"Big Hill Spring Provincial Park" Calgary
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Dry Island Buffalo Jump August 2011
"Dry Island Buffalo Jump August 2011"