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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Something Different and Interesting 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Something Different and Interesting 2010

Start of a New Year and wanted to make a gallery of interesting photo's of all kinds. Can be anything and everything..Nothing too serious but meaningful. Please leave comments as they are much appreciated. Thanks..Ron
A Barn in the Country
A Barn in the Country
The Imperial Bank of Canada
The Imperial Bank of Canada
Leaning Silos's of Alberta
Leaning Silos's of Alberta
She ain't what she use to be.....
She ain't what she use to be.....
The Last Few Minutes
The Last Few Minutes
Two Drag Lines
Two Drag Lines
Diamond Willow
Diamond Willow
Grand Parents  The Asp
Grand Parents "The Asp"
img110 copyc copycolorfra.jpg
img110 copyc copycolorfra.jpg
January Winter Sunset
January Winter Sunset
After the sunset
After the sunset
In the Meadows
In the Meadows
Ice Fishing
Ice Fishing
01.22.10_MG_7750 topaz.jpg
01.22.10_MG_7750 topaz.jpg
Steam Engine
Steam Engine
Family Day
Family Day
Along the Tracks
Along the Tracks
Peace Hills Looking East
Peace Hills Looking East
Topaz Gull
Topaz Gull
A Friend with the best part of her life...
A Friend with the best part of her life...
Loveable at First Sight
"Loveable at First Sight"
Coming In For A Landing
Coming In For A Landing
Mud Pie Kids
Mud Pie Kids
Child in Topaz
Child in Topaz
They Don't Taste That Good
They Don't Taste That Good
Mud Fun
Mud Fun
Full of Them
Full of Them
Mud Pie Girls
Mud Pie Girls
Nothing is Better Than a Tim Hortons Coffee
Nothing is Better Than a Tim Hortons Coffee
The Pepsi Generation
The Pepsi Generation
Straight On Eh...
Straight On Eh...
Take This
Take This
Take This two
Take This two
A Little Bit More
"A Little Bit More"
Photoshop to Topaz
"Photoshop to Topaz"
Her First Time
Her First Time
The Bobber is Still Up
"The Bobber is Still Up"
The Beaumont Barn
"The Beaumont Barn"
Train at Dry Island Buffalo Jump Near Highway 21
"Train at Dry Island Buffalo Jump Near Highway 21"
Another Gull
Another Gull
Not Just Anybody
"Not Just Anybody"
One Goose Feather
One Goose Feather
My Turn
"My Turn"
The Good Old Days
"The Good Old Days"
Nice Puppy
"Nice Puppy"
Mixed up Rodeo Shot
"Mixed up Rodeo Shot"
A Boy and His Birds
"A Boy and His Birds"
Happy And Warm
"Happy And Warm"
In A Dog's Eye.
"In A Dog's Eye."
Starting to Fly
"Starting to Fly"
Sunset to the West
Sunset to the West
A Friend of Mine
A Friend of Mine
This is Not My Photo
"This is Not My Photo"
Pre-Halloween Nola
"Pre-Halloween Nola"
Soft Tones
"Soft Tones"
Native Ponies
"Native Ponies"
The Dark Side
"The Dark Side"
Heading South Soon
"Heading South Soon"
The New Look
"The New Look"
The Man in the Moon
"The Man in the Moon"