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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Snowbirds will fly Camrose skies for Big Valley Jamboree tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Snowbirds will fly Camrose skies for Big Valley Jamboree

The Snowbird did their show for another year at Camrose. This year was the low show as they were flying over the centre of Camrose densely populated. They took off each day from the Camrose airport and what a show...If you really want to see how things go see the pre getting the plane ready and watching them take off.. very impressive... Today when they landed they did a small act for the volunteers and ended signing autographs..... What a first class group.... no wonder why they are so respected around the world...
_GWW3752c.jpg   Plane Hits Bird
_GWW3752c.jpg "Plane Hits Bird"
_GWW3638.jpg He returned
_GWW3638.jpg "He returned"
_GWW3949.jpg  Signing Off
_GWW3949.jpg "Signing Off"