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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wetaskiwin's New Roller Derby Team "Rez-City Rollers" 2011 30 photos.. The Match Was Called.. "Fresh Meat Beat Down." tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wetaskiwin's New Roller Derby Team "Rez-City Rollers" 2011 30 photos.. The Match Was Called.. "Fresh Meat Beat Down."

Wetaskiwin has a new team sport ...Roller Derby" the team is call Rez-City Rollers.. The first match was on Saturday November 5th. I was really amazed at the large turn out. For the first outing Wetaskiwin imported a few player to help and make what a game it was.. I was impressed and will go to next game. I think the team will do well and will gets good support...
Comments are appreciated.... then I know what you would like to see in the future... Ron
Rez-City Rollers
Rez-City Rollers
Mayor Bill Elliot
"Mayor Bill Elliot"
Fan Support
"Fan Support"
"Sportsmanship "
Oh Canada two
"Oh Canada" two
Oh Canada
"Oh Canada"
The First Lap
The First Lap"
Down, Up and Getting Even
"Down, Up and Getting Even"
Three Down
"Three Down"
Two Star Players
"Two Star Players"
Heavenly Rollers Intimidation
"Heavenly Rollers Intimidation"
Their Team On
Their Team On
Pep Talk
"Pep Talk"
The Jammer
"The Jammer"
Didn't do it
"Didn't do it"
All in a Night
"All in a Night"
The Heavenly Rollers Team
"The Heavenly Rollers Team"
All in the Game
"All in the Game"
Going Right
"Going Right"
Brass Knuckles
"Brass Knuckles"
Making Things Happen
"Making Things Happen"
Keeping Score
"Keeping Score"
Sitting Out
"Sitting Out"
Bring out the Colors
Bring out the Colors
The Photographer
"The Photographer"
And the Winners  are the Heavenly Rollers
"And the Winners" are the Heavenly Rollers
Victory and Defeat
"Victory and Defeat"