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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Millet Fireworks and Petting Zoo 2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Millet Fireworks and Petting Zoo 2011

Millet Harvest Fair is the main event of the community... It is well received by all.. It is a three day event and start on Friday night.. This year on Friday night they had a movie in the park and ended with firworks... On Saturday they have the bench show, horse wagon rides, petting zoo, and much more.. Millet is know for their "Flower in Bloom" and has won many times. If you have the time take it in..
Fireworks One
Fireworks One
Fireworks Two
Fireworks Two
Firworks Three
Firworks Three
Firworks Four
Firworks Four
Pretty Friendly
Pretty Friendly
Yup.. He Has Pink Eye
Yup.. He Has Pink Eye
Pretty Content
Pretty Content
Nice Pair
Nice Pair