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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Best of March 2013 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Best of March 2013

Almost spring, sure feels like it in the air, the returning of the waterfowl and migrating birds, the hills taking on that green... The leaves do not come on the trees till about the middle of May in Central Alberta. Pussy Willows will be budding this month... Any day a person can get out and enjoy is a bonus... Please Leave remarks if you like the photos, Thanks....Ron
_DSC9018pb.jpg   Easter Flowers by Swish....
_DSC9018pb.jpg Easter Flowers by Swish....
_DSC9007toppb.jpg     Easter Sunday Supper Table Setting 2013
_DSC9007toppb.jpg Easter Sunday Supper Table Setting 2013
_DSC0007.JPG   Nola Just Loves
_DSC0007.JPG Nola Just Loves
_SDP2713pb.jpg    Great Horn Owl Calling
_SDP2713pb.jpg Great Horn Owl Calling
_SDP2708pb.jpg   Mother at the Nest
_SDP2708pb.jpg Mother at the Nest
_SDP2697vin.jpg  Going out to Feed
_SDP2697vin.jpg Going out to Feed
_SDP2661.jpg  Canada 3 shot at By the Lake Park Wetaskiwin Alberta
_SDP2661.jpg Canada 3 shot at By the Lake Park Wetaskiwin Alberta
_SDP2659.jpg   Canada 2 shot at by the Lake Park Wetaskiwin
_SDP2659.jpg Canada 2 shot at by the Lake Park Wetaskiwin
_SDP2689.jpg  Canada Geese at the By the Lake Park in Wetaskiwin
_SDP2689.jpg Canada Geese at the By the Lake Park in Wetaskiwin
_SDP2613.jpg  The Beaumont Barn
_SDP2613.jpg "The Beaumont Barn"
_SDP2600.jpg  Honda beside one of the ploughed Snow Drifts...
_SDP2600.jpg Honda beside one of the ploughed Snow Drifts...
_SDP2622.jpg Candids Viewing the Geese at By the Lake Park, Wetaskiwin
_SDP2622.jpg Candids Viewing the Geese at By the Lake Park, Wetaskiwin
_SDP2603.jpg   Country Roads in Central Alberta
_SDP2603.jpg Country Roads in Central Alberta
_SDP2567gf.jpg   Railway to Edmonton
_SDP2567gf.jpg Railway to Edmonton