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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wildlife "2008" > IMG_7342robin.jpg
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20-APR-2008 © Ron Asp


Ron's Back Yard

We got a very late snowfall which is not normal at this time. The robins were in large flocks and came for a visit in my Flowering Crab Tree. They had a feast on the last years crabs. There were about 30 or so robins. Everything was going fine until a Merlin Falcon came in for a feed. I managed to get a couple of shots of her also.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Peter Stahl10-Nov-2008 04:15
Now thats one colorful Robin. Love the setting ! Excellent Ron! GMV.
Kerry Tingley08-Nov-2008 18:24
Just gorgeous! The detail is just perfect. v
Elena18-Oct-2008 03:54
Great shot! Love the colors! V
Pawel27-Sep-2008 05:02
descent picture! v
Guest 13-Jun-2008 12:52
nice shot. I like the details of the down.
cits_4_pets11-Jun-2008 05:49
I like this the best of the robins. nice crisp focus and great study of the head and beak. Nice capture
Debbie Blackburn Beierle28-Apr-2008 04:52
Wonderful! I LOVE the setting! Postcard/greeting card material!!
Marco Valk21-Apr-2008 15:53
very nice capture
Guest 21-Apr-2008 15:31
Beautiful shot! V
Bryan Murahashi21-Apr-2008 15:00
A very nice Robin shot. V
Jola Dziubinska21-Apr-2008 14:45
Beautiful birdie, excellent shot. V.