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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> What Makes Us Happy "Candid Shot's" 2006-2008 " 28 photo's " > Getting to Know Wildlife
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04-JUN-2006 Ron Asp

Getting to Know Wildlife

Wetaskiwin, Alberta

They came out to the park on their bikes..sat and watch the geese. I gave them some wheat to feed the geese and I think it made their day. When I left I got a thank you very much which was my reward..

Canon EOS 20D
1/500s f/7.1 at 105.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 20-Jun-2006 22:44
that's beautiful and you may have just given
life two more avid guardians. Bravo.
lou_rozensteins05-Jun-2006 10:46
An excellent shot. They are very tame .... great to get so much into the frame, and the colours and details are excellent. Well done.
henrywong05-Jun-2006 04:38
Ron, this's a really nice shot, Voted !
Herb 05-Jun-2006 03:53
Nice shot
Mindy McNaugher05-Jun-2006 01:01
Lovely shot!
Guest 04-Jun-2006 21:49
Beautifully framed shot!
Jola Dziubinska04-Jun-2006 21:44
Excellent capture, wonderful light and scenery.