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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> December 2014 Photo's > _DSC1882pb.jpg Canadian Pacific Holiday Train
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08-DEC-2014 © Ron Asp

_DSC1882pb.jpg Canadian Pacific Holiday Train

Near Wetaskiwin

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train on its way just 4kms south of Wetaskiwin. It came a little early so wait a short bit just at the edge of Wetaskiwin and then came in on time... When I came to see it in Wetaskiwin, it was super busy, people from all over... So well attended... Wetaskiwin in motion where people are special....

Nikon D3S ,AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR
1/50s f/8.0 at 16.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sang Chung01-Feb-2021 18:46
A superb capture of nite train, V
Rick Bricker12-Dec-2014 18:38
Great shot of the holiday train Ron!
pkocinski10-Dec-2014 13:21
Wow that is so cool!
Photo.Keely09-Dec-2014 22:50
Nice capture! Well done! V.
joseantonio09-Dec-2014 17:37
Lovely decoration for this train.V.