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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> November 2014 photo's > _GWW5676s.jpg "Jimmy the Jack Rabbit"
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04-NOV-2014 © Ron Asp

_GWW5676s.jpg "Jimmy the Jack Rabbit"

City of Wetaskiwin

These Jack Rabbits seem to thrive well in all kinds of weather. No shortage of them in Wetaskiwin..
Jackrabbits are known for their speed and agility. With the jackrabbit's ability to switch between jumping and running, predators find it hard to keep pace with--let alone capture--this incredibly fast creature. Unlike the regular rabbit, jackrabbits live in deserts and mountainous regions that can be harsh and challenging.
Jackrabbits are hares and are larger than rabbits, with longer ears and and taller hind legs. They got their name from their characteristically long ears, which resemble a donkey's, and used to be called the "jackass rabbit." Jackrabbits live in southwest Canada,
The white-tailed jackrabbit lives throughout western Canada, down into the Rocky Mountains.
Unlike regular rabbits, hares do not build nests. The mother simply chooses a convenient spot to give birth to young jacks that are born with their eyes open. After a short time of nursing, baby hares soon become independent, active and fleet of foot. As nocturnal creatures, jackrabbits remain quiet and camouflaged during the day. Their color mixes well with grass and weeds, making them difficult to see, especially in the shade.
Able to achieve speeds of 40 miles per hour and leaps that can exceed 10 feet, the jackrabbit can outrun and out-jump most of the animals that try to chase it. Their sprinting speed and zig-zagging style of running make the jackrabbit a difficult catch for its natural predators.
Hares are strictly vegetarian. They eat fresh grass, herbs, shrubs

Nikon D3 ,Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/200s f/4.0 at 400.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Rick Bricker11-Nov-2014 08:42
The detail here is amazing.I've never had one sit still long enough to get a quality shot like this.Well done Ron!
pkocinski08-Nov-2014 13:18
What a fabulous portrait of this jack rabbit.
Coleen Perilloux Landry06-Nov-2014 19:28
Beautiful creature.
Trent Watts05-Nov-2014 22:43
Lovely shot and great write-up Ron. You can almost count the whiskers.