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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> March 2014 Photo's > _DSC5359pb copypbs.jpg "Got to Love those Peanuts"
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12-MAR-2014 © Ron Asp

_DSC5359pb copypbs.jpg "Got to Love those Peanuts"

City of Wetaskiwin

They deer can get kind of tame around this area. They sure make use of the feeders... A little bit on the costly side...

Nikon D3S ,Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/3200s f/10.0 at 370.0mm iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jola Dziubinska14-Mar-2014 00:32
Adorable scene :) V.
Photo.Keely14-Mar-2014 00:03
Nice capture! V.