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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rowley "A Ghost Town of Central Alberta" > Three Oldest Business Buildings from the past...
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09-JUL-2012 © Ron Asp

Three Oldest Business Buildings from the past...

Rowley, Alberta "Ghost Town"

The three business of old that still stand on the main street.
Left to right...
Rowley Trading Post Built 1920-1973
Sam's Saloon was built in 1920 and was operated as a restaurant By Sam Leung 1943-1968. This is where they have their Pizza night last Saturday of the month as a fund raiser to help to keep Rowley as it is... The bigest night of the years is the Pizza night in September.. People from all over come for it.
Lion's Oil Garage built in 1920.
In 1973, James Clark's Grocery stoe was the last business closed.

Nikon D700 ,Tokina AT-X 116 Pro 12-24mm F 2.8
1/200s f/16.0 at 85.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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