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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dry Island Buffalo Jump and Landscape In The Area 2012 > Motorhome there for the day...
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09-JUL-2012 © Ron Asp

Motorhome there for the day...

Dry Island Buffalo Jump Central Alberta day use area

Dry Island Buffalo Jump, so nice to be there but it is a only day use... as the parks employee said, yes it probably could be a total camping area but the when it rains you can expect to be there a few days as the road down is impassable. Even when your day for the day use, get while you can if any sign or rain...

Nikon D300 ,Tokina AT-X 116 Pro 12-24mm F 2.8
1/60s f/19.0 at 24.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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