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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> "Paths Trails and Roads" Started November 29.2011 > "Road Less Traveled"
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28-NOV-2011 © Ron Asp

"Road Less Traveled"

Near Wetaskiwin

This road is not the one less traveled, I go down there daily. The Light was hitting it just right and I found it pleasing... So many times we overlook something that turns out to real beauty in different light... this is one of them, morning light..

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Yiannis Pavlis29-Nov-2011 17:50
Beautiful light and colour ......... lovely image.
joseantonio29-Nov-2011 17:35
Beautiful perspective and lovely colors
Walter Otto Koenig29-Nov-2011 16:20
Nice perspective and beautiful lighting. I like the tracks and shadows criss-crossing. "V"
Alexander Kazakov29-Nov-2011 16:07
Well done! V
Guest 29-Nov-2011 16:06
A gorgeous scene with the morning light.