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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds and Wildlife 2010 > Big Horn Sheep
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03-APR-2010 © Ron Asp

Big Horn Sheep

Canmore Area Alberta

Big Horn Sheep enjoying the warm sunshine. This ones are kind of fixtures in this area, they see lots of people and are near the park area. Bet these Sheep have had in the millions of shots taken of them, almost like a Zoo..
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Rick Bricker13-Apr-2010 03:38
I was thinking maybe they are having a service group Elks....or Lions....they don't look like Kinsmen?
lou_rozensteins05-Apr-2010 21:29
They are probably discussing the tourists! Nice shot.
coaster05-Apr-2010 20:55
Quite the group; great capture!
Jola Dziubinska05-Apr-2010 11:26
Impressive closeup, they look like having an important discussion :) V.