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Ron Asp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Samson Pow Wow August 07.2007 "A Must See Gallery" > No Room
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August 07.2009 © Ron Asp

No Room

Hobbema, Alberta

This shot is kind of hard on the eyes. There were 637 dancers in the ring. It will blow you away seeing so much color and outstanding costumes. I was really impressed. I managed to take in two performances. They generally have four on the weekend. There is no charge to attend yet they give out prize money for all event competitions. They attract drummer groups and they compete also.. Hope you enjoy the photos as they are put on...

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Cheryl Klym-Edwards26-Jul-2010 02:07
Rick Bricker18-Aug-2009 04:47
"I dropped my contact one move"...:o)...Nice assault of color Ron!
Chris Spracklen10-Aug-2009 19:04
An absolute riot of colour, Ron! (V)
Brilliant shot that would make a challenging jigsaw puzzle!
Chris Thorpe10-Aug-2009 14:01
Very cool "Where's Waldo" shot! Stunning blend of color...
Neal Nye10-Aug-2009 11:33
A fantastic event and a beautiful shot. What a crowd! It brings to mind one of those "Where's Waldo" images.
Dallas Hyatt10-Aug-2009 02:18
I love it. So many colors and so much going on in so many different directions. This is excellent!