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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hobbema, Alberta "Montana Band" Pow Wow July 02.2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Hobbema, Alberta "Montana Band" Pow Wow July 02.2010

Excellent Pow Wow. Not to be missed... If anyone finds any photo that is in conflict with anything, please let me know and I will remove it... On any one given day I would take over 700 photos...Thank you and if you like what you see, please leave a comment...
Very Colorful and Dancing at it Best
"Very Colorful and Dancing at it Best"
Three Friends
"Three Friends"
Who's Who
"Who's Who"
War Paint
"War Paint"
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Lots of Weight to Carry
Lots of Weight to Carry
Beautiful Features
Beautiful Features
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Mirror Mirror
"Mirror Mirror"
Nice Tribal Outfit
Nice Tribal Outfit
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Best Friends
"Best Friends"
Lots of Chiefs Present and Past
"Lots of Chiefs Present and Past"
"The RCMP"
All Colors of the Rainbow
"All Colors of the Rainbow"
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03-07-2010_MG_0785 copy copypbase.jpg
Baby Buck
"Baby Buck"
Little Buck
"Little Buck"
Wanta Hold Hands
Wanta Hold Hands"
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03-07-2010_MG_0921 copy copypbase.jpg
That Prairie Chicken Look
"That Prairie Chicken Look"
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03-07-2010_MG_0967 copy copypbase.jpg
03-07-2010_MG_0547 copy copypbase.jpg
03-07-2010_MG_0547 copy copypbase.jpg
The Grand Entry
"The Grand Entry"
Out in Full Force
"Out in Full Force"
In the Grand Entry
In the Grand Entry
In the Grand Opening
In the Grand Opening
Did You Ask Me
"Did You Ask Me"
g1/23/522923/3/126553724.mYCBTLSO.jpg Grand Entry Cermony
"Grand Entry Cermony"
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Color Color Color
"Color Color Color"
Leader of the Grand Entry
"Leader of the Grand Entry"
The Dance
"The Dance"
Three Chiefs
"Three Chiefs"
People That Make Things Happen
"People That Make Things Happen"