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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fun Photo's 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Fun Photo's 2012

Decided to start the New Year 2012 with photo's that are challenge and to create something new. These photos can be anything and everything... as long as they bring an interesting and simple photo memory... that's what it is all about.. a no brainer in other words....
Call Me 100
"Call Me 100"
A Wind turbine blade..... 2nd shot
A Wind turbine blade..... 2nd shot
One Blade of a Wind Turbine Generator
One Blade of a Wind Turbine Generator
The Easy Life
"The Easy Life"
First Photo for pbase in 2012
First Photo for pbase in 2012
Nose Job....
Nose Job....
A Cookie
A Cookie
Above and Below the Ice Heave at Pigeon Lake Alberta
"Above and Below the Ice Heave at Pigeon Lake Alberta"
Pigeon Lake Pressure Ridge Two
Pigeon Lake Pressure Ridge Two
Pigeon Lake Pressure Ridge Three
Pigeon Lake Pressure Ridge Three
Lobster Claw
Lobster Claw
One Up and One Down
One Up and One Down