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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Some Favorite Shots I Find Interesting tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Some Favorite Shots I Find Interesting

Lots of times I take some shots that really don't fit into any gallery's so I thought I would make one up for that reason. Seems that for every 100 shots I take only one is outstanding...the rest are good but not quite there. I like good comments and other peoples input as what they like to shoot and technique. I always try to reply to any questions asked... I do a lot of reading and try lots of trial and error shots. This is the learning process. Enjoy the photos...
This Is Skippy
This Is Skippy
It's A Honda
It's A Honda
Seagulls in the Spring
"Seagulls in the Spring"
Family Day Farm Cat
Family Day Farm Cat
Same Pole for Weeks
Same Pole for Weeks
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl
Nice Teeth
Nice Teeth
Early Morning Fog in the Rural Alberta
Early Morning Fog in the Rural Alberta
A Smile
"A Smile"
This Pony
"This Pony"
Ring Around the Moon
Ring Around the Moon