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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> An Elk Farm in Central Alberta near Beaumont 2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

An Elk Farm in Central Alberta near Beaumont 2011

This elk farm is located about 3kms east of Beaumont on 625. If these were in the wild they would all score well into the Boone and Crocket scoring. The horns are harvested for and ground for medication. It may work but I have a different view... They are so nice to see... One of these photos is disturbing however the owner was notified. One of the hidden things that pop-up and thats the joys of farming of anykind..
Non-typical Bull Elk
"Non-typical Bull Elk
Widest Set
"Widest Set"
Rubbing Noses
"Rubbing Noses"
This Guy Must be Ticked Off
"This Guy Must be Ticked Off"
Horns of Plenty
"Horns of Plenty"