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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dry Island Buffalo Jump - Alberta tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Dry Island Buffalo Jump - Alberta

Dry Island Buffalo Jump is a place which I wish I would have visited years ago. I would rate it one of the nicest places to see in Alberta. It is a real sleeper. A quote from the Edmonton Journal Travel. "Dry Island Buffalo Jump. One of the best hidden gems in Alberta. You almost think you have taken a wrong turn until suddenly the vista opens up in front of you. Almost deserted most of the time and incredibly striking in its beauty." I took my grandson there, he was in his glory. A week later I took my friend and his first words were wow, incredible. I cannot wait till the fall colors and going there for a few days for photos.. Also Bing or Google it in photos... I will be adding the fall shots in the near future..There is a camping area close by just before the park..
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Dry Island Buffalo Jump
Dry Island Buffalo Jump
The View...
The View...
It's almost a KM to the bottom where the day use park is...
It's almost a KM to the bottom where the day use park is...
In God's Country
In God's Country
Sunrise at the Jump
Sunrise at the Jump