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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Some Really Nice Photo's " worth looking at " 78 photo's tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Some Really Nice Photo's " worth looking at " 78 photo's

This gallery is for some of my photos I like but not sure where to put them. There is no set rules as I try to take photos of everything. By doing is learning. I am clean living and would like the photos to stay that way also. I like input from other photographers as if I need information I do the same. I have got some great advice from others. Hope you enjoy these photos..
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Apple a Day
Apple a Day
As Time Go Bye
As Time Go Bye
My Fiancee Faye
My Fiancee "Faye"
Each Day
Each Day
Comming of Winter
Comming of Winter
Sunrise Wild Grass
Sunrise "Wild Grass"
Hello My Name is Poppy
Hello "My Name is Poppy"
Ready for Tricks
Ready for Tricks
Mountain Ash
Mountain Ash
Mountain Ash Berrys
Mountain Ash Berrys
First Snow
First Snow
Very Simple
Very Simple
The Meeting
The Meeting
Telegraph Insulators
Telegraph Insulators
Not So Straight
Not So Straight
One Kilometer of Track
One Kilometer of Track
One Step For Mankind AM
One Step For Mankind AM
Two Days After
Two Days After
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