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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Canada Geese "2006" Study A - "Great Response, Thank You All " 188 photo's tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Canada Geese "2006" Study A - "Great Response, Thank You All " 188 photo's

The Canada Geese returned on March 25. No open water so they have to go for the run off. They seem to have a good memory as when I called: about four came with in 30 ft. They walked all around me and I got lots of time for some interesting photo's. As time goes by I feel there will be some excellent photos in this gallery. Please come back and take a look...Ron.. April 28th. interesting facts..They started laying eggs around April 18th. The female lays a clutch of 5-7 eggs. Each egg takes a little over a day to lay. The eggs take a month to incubate. It takes 1-2 days for a chick to eat his way through the egg with his bill. The end of his bill has a little tip called his egg tooth. more facts to come.. The geese will now come right up to me and I can feed some by hand...May 02nd. miserable day, windy and snow...still setting on nest...waiting..May 6th. still sitting on nest..Leaves are starting show real green now...waiting..."The Big Day, May 12th. the first hatch of 5 baby geese arrived. The mother brought them to shore with in 15 ft. of me. No photos comming soon.." May 13th. and another pair had a batch of four goslings. Their could be about 6 more families on the way..Now the photos should really start to get interesting..Heres the start of the family shots. May 15th. 3 hatches today..Two hatches had only two chicks. The biggest hatch was 8. Looks like a lot more to come. The leaves on the trees are almost fully out. Getting beautiful spring weather today. May 18th. very warm +30c. seem like all the family went into hiding..Only saw two tonight. I believe there are lots of family's this year...time will tell. May 19th. seems like some large families, however they tend to adopt from others. This happens quite a bit...May 22, very dry. Not many geese out this morning. Looked at some families last night and they are getting a lot bigger. May 30th., looks like there will only be 5 sets of geese. Thought there would be more. Took some photo's today and they are really getting bigger.We have had a cool spring with little moisture..May 31 geese not around, the local school had the canoes out on the lake. Not sure when they will appear. June 3rd, the geese are back and it seem that they have really grown in a few days..Think there is only 3 groups left..Two strong pair have take over ownernship of the young...they are being looked after and thats what counts....June 19th. away for 10 days and looking at them now, have they ever changed..They are now starting to show their primary feathers.There is about 4 groups of geese. Their not the cutest thing in the world now..June 22, about one third feathered out now and really growing...getting aggressive. June 24th. Looks like they are almost half feathered over now...July 3. Just about completely feathered over 95%. Yet there is a mother and one gosling still in the down stage. At this time they are starting to fill out and looking good...July 8th. almost all feathered out. and have the mentality of a 17 year old. no fear and they know everything. They are so trust worthy now...July 11/06 the geese are about 99% feathered out...getting about three quarters their weight..They are now out on the water flapping their wings in the wind...They seem to almost lift off the water...It will be quite a while before they fly...July 17th. the young geese have now feathered out. They are starting to put on weight...They have little fear of man now and have the park to themselves. Dogs are their only enemy. July 27, geese all feathered out and not quite flying yet..will not be long..starting to really show their adult colors..putting on weight and really aggressive to each other. August 2nd. they are doing well and showing their colors. They are not flying yet, but it will not be long. They are getting street smart. Not as friendly as they use to be, which is good for them. August 6th. half the flock is flying and gone..August 9th. the rest are flying except a couple of lame ones...Last year they came back after a couple of weeks, I hope this years will do the same...August 15th. and not a goose to be scene. Think there is only a four left now..I am hopeing the others will return for a few more visits..They did Last year..Aug.19 still only four geese left, no returns yet. August 19th. over 100 geese returned, about half were the local ones. I could get within 15 yards of them. Very street smart now. They have really taken on the adult look and you cannot tell them apart. They are so nice to watch them swim around in such large numbers, and really impressive when they all take off at once. They will not leave the area till around the end of October so I hope to see more of them as they come and go. August 30th. two large flocks returned to the lake. The group of 55 locals came up to me and the others stayed their distance. I gave them a pail of wheat and they really liked it. At evening they all either took off to feed or when to the larger lakes..sure nice to see them again. Sept.05, Only a few local geese left, about 10. Later today the wild geese started comming from feed in the grain fields...about 10am this morning. Its been so warm here, it gives lots of time to sit by the water in comfort. A start of a beautiful Indian summer. Sept 6th. very warm, nice fall day. Lots of geese came in today...Nice photos to be had..Sept.08 Lot of geese are now returning to the By the Lake Park...It is a safe area where they can come. Today, probably 500 hundred were there...what a joy to watch...Sept.23rd. been cool the last few weeks, some rain. The geese are now comming in for water twice a day...10 am and 745pm. this is the safe zone for geese. The geese are very shy and now stay their distance...The tame are now wild...Their beauty really stands out...they will probably leave at the end of October...time will tell. September 17th. very few geese left durning the day..They come in for the night...every now and then a few flocks land..I cannot tell which is the wild and which one were the locals..The leaves are golden brown and it is beautiful. Some leaves are falling in the gental wind. We have only had one frost so far. The next major wind could take the leaves down...Sept.29 There were a few geese on the lake, I called and a pair of the locals came over and I feed them grain. I had to stay my distance as they were very street smart..The nice thing as they can still remember. Sept.30, weather is getting miserable..rain and high winds..A lot of leaves went down. Oct.05, Lots of geese on the lake..Put some grain down and called them..About 20 came, but they stayed their distance. When I backed off they came in and fed. I could see two that had been hit by the hunters. I hope they heal. Oct. 11 miserable day, light snow, but it will go away. About noon the sun came out. Lots of geese"about 500" on the lake..about 60 came to shore, the local ones knew me and came within 6 feet. I felt pretty good about it...Still some trust. The lake is a safe spot for them and they know it..Oct.16 we got about two inches of snow..The geese didn't mind and stayed in the fields all day. The snow should be gone soon..Oct.18 cold with a little ice forming around the edges, it may go. Only a couple of geese left..ponds are frozen over. Oct.22 warm day all open water, great day for taking photos..Had about 200 come and feed beside me...not afraid.. over all about 500 on the lake..Great day for photos, the color of the birds are unreal..beautiful. Hope to get a few days of warm weather..looks good...Oct.24 about 700 geese on the lake, beautiful day plus 8c. They came back in from feeding at 11.30 am. They know who's, who...Oct.28, weather rain and very cold. went down a feed a few geese. It is getting dark around 6pm and the geese were comming to the lake from feeding in the fields. Oct.29 2am, looking out the window and it snowed. Will check the geese early this morning...Went out and feed the geese..they need all the help they can get now..It has been a very cold day and after tonight all the small ponds will be frozen over.Will see what tomarrow will bring. Oct.31, ice at the By the Lake Park, half frozen over. Called Fish and Wildlife to try a catch the ones that cannot fly...By weekend it should be all frozen over..Nov.01/06 the By the Lake Park froze over last night. Was able to feed the geese on the ice one last time. Only a couple of geese that appeared will not make it south. I had one great year taking photos of Canadad geese. It was very rewarding. I learn't alot. Sorry to see them leave but nothing lasts. I hope all that view this gallery were pleased. I must sincerely thank all those who gave such wonderful comments. It was much appreciated....Thanks again...Ron
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