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Ron Asp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bullridin' & Boot-Scootin' Bullarama "Lakedell Agricullural Society" 5th. Annual 2013 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bullridin' & Boot-Scootin' Bullarama "Lakedell Agricullural Society" 5th. Annual 2013

I attended this event for the first time and was quite impressed... It is about a 2.5-3 hour event..It starts with 18 riders to start, then down to 12 riders and finish off with the best top riders of the night.. It brings in about 700 people of all ages... No matter where you are, there isn't a bad seat to be had... It is well run... If your there to take photo's the lighting is not the best in the world, you can only do your best you can, but it is there for the spectators and that's what counts.. There was a big dance to follow by "Mojave Iguanas". I will be back as it good fun night out....
_DSC5880.jpg  Bull Riding
_DSC5880.jpg Bull Riding