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Wetaskiwin Centennial Air Show "2006" 20 photo's

The Wetaskiwin Centennial Air Show one of the main highlights in the celebrations of Wetaskiwins 100 year Centennial becomming a city. The air show was outstanding with many great acts. It was a two day event with the Renyolds Alberta Museum opening its doors to the public. The Sunday performance was hampered by rain, only a few acts. In my opinion, being at quite few air shows this was one of the best. Here's a list of the acts: The Canadian Forces Snowbirds, Bill Carter {Pitt's Special 52S} , Ken Fowler {Harmond Rocket}, Daryl Lowey, John Mraxek {Harvard Mark IV "Pussycat", Carol Pilon {Wing Walker}, Barry Pendrak (Super Skybolt}, Kevin Hopkins {Yak 55}, George Bertrand {Christian Eagle}, and Byron Renyolds with the Canadian Military plane {Aura}. I will put on pbase, some of the best photo's. It was a cloudy day with a slight haze. Some of the planes were in and out of the clouds. Would have been nice with a full ceiling and acts like the Snowbird could have went all out..Nobody left till the end.

The Canadian Forces Snowbirds 2006
The Canadian Forces Snowbirds 2006
Snow Birds
Snow Birds
The Wing Walker 2006
The Wing Walker 2006
Cutting The Ribbon
Cutting The Ribbon
Barrel Rolling
Barrel Rolling
Harvard Mark 4  Pussycat
Harvard Mark 4 "Pussycat"
Diamond Formation
Diamond Formation
Snowbirds in Formation
Snowbirds in Formation
Wing Walker Carol Pilon
Wing Walker "Carol Pilon"
Harvard Mark 4  Pussycat
Harvard Mark 4 "Pussycat"
The Snow Birds 2006
The Snow Birds 2006
The Snowbirds   In Line
The Snowbirds "In Line"
The Snowbirds Up and Away
The Snowbirds "Up and Away"
The Snowbirds 2006
The Snowbirds 2006
Wetaskiwin Centennial Air Show...Fly By
Wetaskiwin Centennial Air Show...Fly By
Fly By
Fly By
Upside Down Fly By
Upside Down Fly By
Yak 55
Yak 55
Snowbirds...Top Side Fly By
Snowbirds...Top Side Fly By