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PortAloha Someone | profile | all galleries >> JJ's Inbox on Hawaii >> Potholes on Honolulu Street tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Potholes on Honolulu Street

Unattraction of Honolulu... here is my story and answer is in the video

It was a rainy Sunday, March 26. The rain was coming down like a bucket spilled over from the sky.

On the way back from my weekly grocery shopping, I saw a series of puddles. Because of the rain, I couldn’t see the depth of each pothole as they appeared to be shallow. I was trying to avoid them. The heavy rain also impaired me from seeing if there was anyone on my left. As the lane narrowed suddenly and I ran out of room to dodge... Then, *kaboom* the loud noise in front of my car. I want to stop the car. But, I couldn't find a place on the road. The curbs on Kapahulu were completely coned off. Not sure why. After turning right on Ala Wai, I wanted to stop, but the sewer pump equipment filled up the street. I found the damage after I got home.

I requested a claim form from the city, in hoping they will pay for the damages. After the rain stopped, I went over to take these photos for evidence. I still see cars rolling over this pothole. I feared that their wheels were about to fly out.
Final words... Perception is not always reality. Beware where you're going.
See my video, click here... video hosted by
I've got my reimbursement check early November. Because of few deductions, I am happy to announce the Mayor is good to his citizen, I've got something back.
Right in front of 934
Right in front of 934
Pothole in action
Pothole in action
Da Pothole
Da Pothole
Not the first time it was repaired
Not the first time it was repaired
I felt like warn his guy to slow down
I felt like warn his guy to slow down
closer look
closer look
Oh My Car!
Oh My Car!
damaged rim
damaged rim
About to breakdown
About to breakdown