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Marcia Rules | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Neil Marcus24-Oct-2024 19:08
All outstanding
Russell Christie05-Oct-2023 16:36
thanks for looking at my work
Ron LaCroix13-Jul-2023 00:07
Marcia, your composition skills are awesome!!
Neil Marcus02-May-2022 14:37
Spring in the mountains. You and I had a great time on the trip
Jay Levin29-Dec-2016 05:20
Marcia, whenever I periodically come back to your photographs, I realize that each one could easily be printed and hung. You are a great artist. Also thank you for your kind words upon the passing of two of our dear cats.
Iris Maybloom (irislm)22-Jan-2015 03:28
Thank you for visiting my galleries and leaving comments. I have read your comments on friends' galleries and am pleased to have connected with you via our images and our love for the Southwest. I have added you to my favorites list and look forward to more of your work.
Stephanie31-Dec-2014 14:01
::: (_( …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
*: (=’ :’) :::::::: Happy New Year Marcia!! 2015! :::::::::::
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
Gar Cropser30-Aug-2014 21:09
Jalama beach is along the Central Calif. Coast between Lompoc and north of Santa Barbra. Access to this point is from Hwy 1. Specific directions are found on the Jalama Beach website. I don't remember where I took the coastal rocks image. Good luck!!
Guest 21-Dec-2013 22:55
Hi Marcia,
The Bitterroot Valley in Montana. is home...
kinta06-Jan-2013 01:53
Dear Marica, thank for your visit to my galleries. Your beautiful and well composed nature photos are very impressive, and with high quality. All your photos encourage my photography mind. Thank for sharing and a happy new year!_kinta
Stephanie22-Dec-2011 23:47
Greetings Marcia ~
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years!
Steph :)
an nguyen18-Dec-2011 23:14
Happy Holidays to you and yours .
And best of all , you continue to inspire me in all art work of photography .
Best ,
Anne N
an nguyen04-Dec-2011 20:46
You create art , not just photography style . And I adore that .
Anne N
Peter Malmgren11-Sep-2011 07:21
Love your works!
Natalie Pierce-Cepeda 17-Jan-2011 02:51
If this is the Marcia Rules I went to Waukegan West HS with, you've certainly come along way since writing and taking photo's for the school newspaper. Your gallaries are amazing.
Peter Sussex24-Dec-2010 15:46
Dear Marcia,

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and hope that Santa brings you everything on your wish list. May you have a very Happy and Healthy New Year too!
Joyce King 28-Sep-2010 00:55
Dear Marcia,
I just went on Facebook and tyuped in your name and it sounds like the MARCIA RULES I knew in Waukegan, Illinois several years ago. You moved away and I lost track of you but know you went to Elgin and then Arizona......I used to work for DR. SARSHA!
Here's hoping it's you! Joyce King RDH

fineartism29-Aug-2010 00:57
Hello Marcia,
Thank you very much for all your comments !!!
And thank you for the time you took to visit my galleries !!!

With kind regards, Maurice.
Guest 05-Jun-2010 02:18
one of the best collections i have ever seen!
Donna 12-Apr-2010 16:07
Happy Birthday Marcia
Doug Allen 21-Mar-2010 00:22
Hello Marcia & Jim. After perusing your galleries, I feel honored to have had my picture in the paper with your name next to the caption. I'll never forget the fun we all had on good ole' Colorado Ave.

Doug Allen
Bobbi de la Torre 16-Mar-2010 20:05
Hello Marcia (and Jim). We met and chatted at Starbucks (Palm Valley)a few weeks ago. (And what a pleasure it was meeting the both of you)...Marcia...These are breathtaking photos!!! You must be so proud! I will most definitely check in regularly to see what's new and beautiful. I hope you are both well and enjoying the spectacular Arizona weather! Keep in Touch. Warm Regards..Bobbi
Phil Douglis22-Feb-2010 19:28
It was such a treat for me to meet you via your imagery, Marcia. We not only share a commonality of approach, but even the same subject matter. I sent you a pbase message elaborating on this at greater length, and also left some comments for you, and have added you to my favorite photographers gallery. Thanks so much for discovering my own galleries and getting in touch with me. Looking forward to meeting you here in Arizona.

an nguyen16-Jan-2010 18:40
I am so delight to visit your photos again and again.
Beauty of Nature and beauty of the photography.
Guest 21-Oct-2009 22:09
I've really enjoyed visting your gallery. Keep up the great work!

Best, Petter
Doug Bensing 12-Oct-2009 01:37

I have visited your galleries a couple of times now. Great pictures. Makes me miss Arizona.

An old friend,

Doug Bensing
Guest 06-Aug-2009 16:57
I keep forgetting to check my profile for comments but I wanted to take this time to thank you for visiting my gallery and taking the time to leave the comments. It's always nice to hear that someone has connected in some way with a photograph of mine, to me that means the most.

Thanks again
Benoit Durocher Photographie24-Jul-2009 04:54
I love your motto Marcia. Cheers. Benoit :-)
Daniela Pernigotti 14-Jul-2009 14:20
Hola Marcia!

Felicitaciones por tus fotos. Son realmente excelentes. Continúa por ese camino. Dios te bendiga.

P.D: Te escribo desde Misiones Argentina.
Mi e-mail es pernigotti33 in
ofer zilberstein16-May-2009 18:32
Thanksvery much for your comments.
ofer zilberstein16-May-2009 08:33
I like your photos very much
Great work...
Sheryl Somers 16-Apr-2009 18:36
Hi Marcia,

What a wonderful gallery of the SW. We live here and don't see the REAL Arizona. You have a great eye for beauty and it's great that you share it with the rest of the world.

ex co-worker from BSC, Sheryl
Kari Bernardini09-Apr-2009 14:41
Hey Marcia!
Thank you for your comments, extra nice to get attention from someone sooo talented 8-)
Much enjoyed browsing, you are firmly embedded in my favorites!
Happy Easter!
katjas09-Apr-2009 14:18
thank you for your comments and your vote! it means a lot to me, as your images
are really really brilliant! katja
Stefan Schmitz08-Apr-2009 18:56
Hi Marcia, I love your motto "Live to shoot and shoot to live"! Thanks for sharing your very talented and inspirational work, and thanks for visiting my galleries. Let's keep in touch.
Regards, stefan
Herbey Morales06-Apr-2009 06:11
Hi Marcia! what a fantastic galleries! I really enojoyed your photojournalism images, every picture is stunning, very impressive!. I will be a regular visitor. My Best Regards.
Herbey M .
Guest 04-Apr-2009 16:37
Brilliant gallery, I love the candid shots catching humans living their lives.

John Armstrong18-Mar-2009 13:41
Thanks for your recent visit. I´m delighted that you enjoyed my pictures!

Eb Mueller09-Mar-2009 21:16
I very much enjoyed browsing your galleries! You have a very creative and artistic eye. Great photojournalism, too!
Gilles Navet07-Mar-2009 15:35
I am a fan, your are in my fav
A bientôt
Guest 06-Mar-2009 15:31
I had a great time watching your pics. Thank you for sharing your work.
Robert Stough05-Mar-2009 21:39
All of your galleries display a truly sublime use of light and form. Many of the images are worthy to be called works of art.
I also would like to thank you for your many kind comments regarding my own work.
blizzard27-Feb-2009 04:57
your photographic skills
are marvelous
keep up the great work
Guest 16-Feb-2009 14:08
Marcia rules! zm
Nikon Mama - Birgitte Ott09-Feb-2009 23:37
Stunning galleries that inspires me so much - I am very impressed with the artfullness in your work. With all my respect, Birgitte
Guest 09-Feb-2009 06:10
nice galleries of images... enjoy them.
Paul Teixeira08-Feb-2009 17:37
Hi Marcia,

Great to be able to see your work through the years. Very nice work indeed.

Best regards,

Paul Teixeira
A fellow 'photojourno'.
Pawel Kazmierczyk05-Feb-2009 22:14
Hello Marcia, what a fantastic collection of galleries.... You have a great eye for photography, and a unique sense of style. I have truly enjoyed going through your photos - the range and variety of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the quality. Well done, keep it up ! Greetings from Poland. Pawel
Guest 05-Feb-2009 04:02
Thanks so very much for all your very nice comments on my images, and I appreciate the votes...
larose forest photos28-Jan-2009 05:08
You may not have a lot of galleries, but each one is exquisite. I truly enjoy visiting them, which I do quite often. I love the southwest, though I've not been for many years, but still have warm memories of the place. Have you read Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey? He talks about your neck of the woods (I should say, desert!). Great book. Grand galleries.
Bill 15-Jan-2009 20:09
I certainly enjoyed your albums. I've been to many of the places you have photographed but my photos do not do justice to those places as yours do.
Ray Lander14-Jan-2009 07:07
You have some great images in your galleries; well done. Keep them coming. Impressive work
Marc Vermeulen09-Jan-2009 00:50
Best wishes to you and to yours at 2009!
And thanks that you visit my site regulary.
blizzard06-Jan-2009 02:17
I am very impressed with your work, to say the least
your composition skills are a rare treat for me
original and fresh and expertly done
I am recovering from hiking accident and have not posed in some time
I will give your work a good long look this week, I will be slow to review
can only sit and type for a 30 min total ever day--Sorry

thank you for your warm review's
Gar Cropser20-Dec-2008 06:00
I am so impressed with your work. It shows your unique vision, an artistic eye, a great sense composition, utilizing design, shape, texture, form, and light. I hope you're actively marketing your work. I think it would sell very well. I wish you continued success in your photography.
Toncho Rusev14-Dec-2008 22:49
Amazing galleries!
Guest 22-Nov-2008 13:38
Hi Marcia

Thank you very much for your recent visit to my galleries. Your kind, supportive comments, and vote are very much appreciated.

Your galleries area amazing .I do enjoy very much

Best regards,
Gar Cropser17-Nov-2008 06:11
Excellent galleries! You have a wonderful eye. Thanks for viewing our galleries.

Chad Ramsey14-Nov-2008 03:00
You have so many quality shots Marcia!
Keep it up as I and so many others enjoy what you add to Pbase!
Thank you~ Chad
George Moy01-Nov-2008 22:14
Thank you for your artistic photographic eye capture the beauty of the Southwest and share it with us.I have to link you pbase site to my photo friends and let enjoy it too!
Pawel20-Oct-2008 13:30
Upss, i was logout :) P.
Guest 20-Oct-2008 13:29
You have a realy nice galleries Marcia :)! Nice to coming back to see them.
Keep them coming, Pawel.
Nick Arena19-Oct-2008 05:22
I just re visited your Southwest gallery and just wanted to say that you are truly talented photographer..keep up the great work..
Allan Jay15-Oct-2008 19:36
Hi Marcia,

Your work is very inspirational. You have a very talented eye for composition. It was difficult to pick the images I wanted to comment on as they were ALL so enjoyable.
Quy Tran14-Oct-2008 19:06
You have captured the Southwest beautifully! Every single shot is unique! I really enjoy your gallery! Thanks for sharing!
John Cravatta01-Oct-2008 03:16
Welcome to pbase.
peterjay4530-Sep-2008 17:12
Thank you for your very kind comments, Marcia. Your galleries are absolutely beautiful, inspirational work indeed. I have taken the liberty of adding you to my favourites.
Pawel21-Sep-2008 08:46
Thak you for visiting my. You have really great photos, interesting point of view in some of them. Absolutely love this with moon :)
jlB19-Sep-2008 07:13
You showed a wonderful world I never knew existed ... colours, light, graphism, composition ... all is great ... BRAVO ! Jean-Louis
Guest 17-Sep-2008 01:11
Hi Neighbor...

You've made wonderful images of AZ and the South West.

Jay in Chandler
Guest 15-Sep-2008 14:14
Thank you for your sweet comments about my photos. And thanks for sharing your superb work on Pbase. You are an extraordinary professional. Thanks. natalia.
kd15-Sep-2008 02:06
you have the "eye". good going.
an nguyen14-Sep-2008 23:47
Thank you so much for stopping by my galleries. You have a very distinctive style and your images are so gorgeous to look at. I am so glad we found each other. Anne.
Guest 11-Sep-2008 21:29
Love your work and your web site...will have to buy some of your beautiful prints....
adam x
Jay Levin11-Sep-2008 05:07
Thanks for your comments Marcia and welcome to Pbase. I think you will be holding your own here without any problem! You have many terrific images in your portfolio. I look forward to seeing more. -- Best regards, Jay
Guest 11-Sep-2008 01:00
Hello Marcia!! Welcome to have a great start, your galleries are wonderful. Thank you so much for all you're kind words. How exciting, I am looking forward to seeing your galleries grow! Best to you...dawn
Guest 10-Sep-2008 14:45
Thanks for all the kind comments. You work is really impressive, specially the landscapes. I look forward seeing more of your work.
Alina10-Sep-2008 13:35
Let me be the second: Marcia welcome to PBase. You have beautiful galleries and I’m waiting for more pictures :)
Dan Greenberg09-Sep-2008 05:14
Hi Marcia - thanks for visiting my galleries and all the great comments and votes. Let be the first to welcome you to PBase - your images are a great addition.
