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Gallery 10: Another vintage train ride for Pooch

Images from a train ride on the Worth Valley preserved railway and from a walky along part of the Worth Way between Damems and Haworth.
By co-incidence there was an event being held at Oakworth station to launch a new book that marks the 40th anniversary of the making of the children's film "The Railway Children" which was filmed there.
I think we managed to hide from the TV crew but it's possible you may catch a glimpse of a small white dog on the News reports... ;-)
Getting ready to set off but Pooch is more interested in the ice-cream shop
Getting ready to set off but Pooch is more interested in the ice-cream shop
Here comes the locomotive!
Here comes the locomotive!
A problem with the locomotive?
A problem with the locomotive?
Waiting patiently
Waiting patiently
Adding the diesel locomotive to the train
Adding the diesel locomotive to the train
Exchanging the token at the signal box
Exchanging the token at the signal box
Leaving Damems, the smallest station in the UK
Leaving Damems, the smallest station in the UK
View from the train
View from the train
Views from the train
Views from the train
Approaching Keighley
Approaching Keighley
Steam and diesel locos back to back
Steam and diesel locos back to back
Damems station - taken from the end of the tiny platform
Damems station - taken from the end of the tiny platform
Walky time!
Walky time!
Joy is a field for a game of chase
Joy is a field for a game of chase
Waiting for the train back to Oxenhope
Waiting for the train back to Oxenhope
Time travel at Oakworth Station!
Time travel at Oakworth Station!