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Jackdad | profile | all galleries >> Pooch >> OTHERPOOCH - EXTRAS AND STORIES >> Gallery 7: Pooch does studio lighting tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gallery 7: Pooch does studio lighting

We recently took delivery of a small studio lighting system but what with one thing and another I have not felt like setting it up before today. But I had a couple of hours to spare this morning and decided to have some fun. My two favourite models both initially declined to pose, and both disappeared rapidly when the camera appeared! However I managed to coax one of my models back for a brief but chaotic studio session. :-)
first shot with the new studio lighting :-)
first shot with the new studio lighting :-)
hmmm.... better not give up the day job...
hmmm.... better not give up the day job...
glamour bananas ;-)
glamour bananas ;-)
time for some serious stuff: portrait of toad
time for some serious stuff: portrait of toad
toad's portraiture session is about to be interrupted...
toad's portraiture session is about to be interrupted...
chew chew chew!
chew chew chew!
where did Toad go?
where did Toad go?
and FINALLY: what's that light, Dad?
and FINALLY: what's that light, Dad?